[Interest] QML Mobile controls
Nurmi J-P
jpnurmi at digia.com
Wed Jun 11 12:44:07 CEST 2014
On Wed, 2014-06-11 at 13:13 +0800, Ben Lau wrote:
> Hi,
> I am also interested to know is anybody working on this? I am writing
> an Android application using Qt. It needs native look and feel and
> therefore I have developed some components like ActionBar,NavBar,
> Navigation Drawer , ViewPager in QML. I would like to share those
> components but it take time to extract from the source tree.
> On 9 June 2014 22:21, Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com> wrote:
> Are there any official or unofficial (community) plans to
> deliver QML controls for mobile platforms. I'm talking native
> look sand feel.
> I don't think it would be hard thought slightly complicated.
> If there aren't any maybe we can get a github collaboration
> going?
> The complicated part is that there are several approaches to
> how people approach mobile development:
> 1. Native look and feel (platform specific) iOS -or- Android
> 2. Common look and feel (platform agnostic) iOS -and- Android
> 3. Meta-programming look and feel (platform specific) "I have
> these intentions, map it to the platform concepts for me."
> So it can get pretty complicated. Especially since there isn't
> feature parity or even shared vocabulary between platforms.
> Navbar / Action Bar
> ( ) / Navbar
> Sheets / context popup menus
> Still, I think it would be a worthwhile effort to collect all
> the efforts to one place.
> We can manage which approach with a simple import:
> import mobile.cupertino
> import mobile.mountainview
> import mobile.common
> And when/if we get a meta paradigm:
> import mobile.helsinki
> *Note I'm using cities because the platform "names" are likely
> trademarked/copyrighted.
We are working on Android style for the Qt Quick Controls. The target is
to provide native styling for the controls in Qt 5.4. You can track
https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-35081 to get status
J-P Nurmi
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