[Interest] QML Signal to C++ Slot with QVariant is not working with Qt5.3

Railway Coder railwaycoder at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 21:46:20 CEST 2014

Hello together,

are there some changes between Qt5.2 and Qt5.3 regarding to signal and
slots behaviour?

I've tried to switch to Qt5.3 but my Signals and Slots with QVariant are not
working between QML and C++.

I've written a small example that is working fine with Qt5.2 but not with
I get the following error during start-up of the application compiled with

 QObject::connect: No such signal
QQuickWindowQmlImpl_QML_0::qmlSignal(QVariant) in

Please see the attatched sources.
Any ideas?

Thanks and Best Regards,
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