[Interest] [SOLVED] Re: Slow pointer follow in Qt 5.2.2 (git) on freescale i.MX6 with tslib
Stefano Cordibella
stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
Thu Mar 6 17:04:14 CET 2014
I solved the issue setting the maximum CPU frequency for my board with
the command:
echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor
Forgive me for this spam topic, reading the board documentation it was
written that the maximum cpu frequency was the default value, but it
> Thank you for reporting your experience Jacob! My problem is that I am
> forced to use an ltib environment for cross compiling, so it isn't so
> simple to compile the required libraries to support X11 backend... Btw
> I see that using eglfs in an application that don't use QML (the Qt
> fingerpaint example), the pointer follow the finger at higher speed,
> as it should happen... IMHO I think that the problem is bound to the
> new qml engine or in the interaction with the tslib plugin... But I
> don't know the library internals, so I cannot find any solution right
> now. Stefano. On 03/06/2014 10:45 AM, Jacob Kroon wrote:
>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 10:20 AM, Stefano Cordibella
>> <stefano.cordibella at edalab.it <mailto:stefano.cordibella at edalab.it>>
>> wrote:
>> Thank you Jacob for your suggestion,
>> for this application the choice of using eglfs is not under my
>> direct control, in addition to this I suppose that the use of X11
>> can degrade the performance of the application (the target is a
>> imx6 Single...).
>> Did you noticed a decrease in performance moving from eglfs to X11?
>> Which imx6 did you used? Single Dual or Quad?
>> It's just been some very rude basic testing, running a custom QML
>> application on Wandboard Solo and Wandboard Quad.
>> I can't say I've seen any particular overhead in performance in
>> comparing X11/eglfs, but eglfs should in theory use less resources as
>> I see it.
>> As a humble Qt5 user I'm simply suspecting that the eglfs backend has
>> seen less use, and is not as mature as the X11 backend yet.
>> Stefano.
>> On 03/06/2014 10:05 AM, Jacob Kroon wrote:
>>> Hi Stefano,
>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 9:22 AM, Stefano Cordibella
>>> <stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
>>> <mailto:stefano.cordibella at edalab.it>> wrote:
>>> Hi Jacob,
>>> right, I did not specify that I use eglfs.
>>> I can just talk from my own personal experience in using
>>> Qt5+iMX6. In 5.1.1, eglfs had a hard time tracking the mouse
>>> pointer, 5.2.0 improved things a lot. But best experience sofar
>>> has been in using the X11 backend instead of eglfs.
>>> Stefano.
>>> On 03/06/2014 08:53 AM, Jacob Kroon wrote:
>>>> Hi Stefano,
>>>> On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 8:47 AM, Stefano Cordibella
>>>> <stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
>>>> <mailto:stefano.cordibella at edalab.it>> wrote:
>>>> Hi list,
>>>> using qt 5.2.2 (release branch from git, but I
>>>> noticed the same issue with 5.2.1) on I.MX6 it is
>>>> impossible to flick on qml elements, because the pointer
>>>> does not "follow" the finger on touchscreen...
>>>> The strange issue is that with non-qml application
>>>> (fingerpaint example) or using tslib test application
>>>> (ts_test) on device the cursor follow the finger at
>>>> higher speed.
>>>> Is this a libqtslibplugin.so or a qml issue?
>>>> I generated the plugin without any option, only qmake,
>>>> make and make install...
>>>> I am using tslib library because my touchscreen does not
>>>> support evdev (it is resistive?); I mean, trying to use
>>>> EvdevTouch does not work at all, using EvdevMouse I see
>>>> the pointer moving on screen, but the click doesn't work...
>>>> Any suggestion will be appreciated...
>>>> Which qpa backend are you using, xcb, wayland or eglfs ?
>>> --
>>> *Stefano Cordibella*
>>> EDALab s.r.l. - Networked Embedded Systems
>>> Strada Le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
>>> email :stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
>>> <mailto:stefano.cordibella at edalab.it>
>>> skype : stefano.cordibella
>>> tel. : +39 045 802 70 85 <tel:%2B39%20045%20802%2070%2085>
>>> web :www.edalab.it <http://www.edalab.it>
>>> --
>>> -- Jacob
>> --
>> *Stefano Cordibella*
>> EDALab s.r.l. - Networked Embedded Systems
>> Strada Le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
>> email :stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
>> <mailto:stefano.cordibella at edalab.it>
>> skype : stefano.cordibella
>> tel. : +39 045 802 70 85 <tel:%2B39%20045%20802%2070%2085>
>> web :www.edalab.it <http://www.edalab.it>
>> --
>> -- Jacob
> -- *Stefano Cordibella* EDALab s.r.l. - Networked Embedded Systems
> Strada Le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy email :
> stefano.cordibella at edalab.it skype : stefano.cordibella tel. : +39 045
> 802 70 85 web : www.edalab.it
*Stefano Cordibella*
EDALab s.r.l. - Networked Embedded Systems
Strada Le Grazie, 15 - 37134 Verona - Italy
email : stefano.cordibella at edalab.it
skype : stefano.cordibella
tel. : +39 045 802 70 85
web : www.edalab.it
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