[Interest] Lots of binding loop errors with QML in QtQuick

Preet prismatic.project at gmail.com
Thu Mar 13 07:04:22 CET 2014

I think the issue had to do with:

And after building from git the errors have gone away.

Still think it would be nice if binding loops had a bit of a stack
trace if its feasible... which has already been suggested :)

Sorry for the spam


On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 11:49 PM, Preet <prismatic.project at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> After upgrading QtQuick recently (from 5.2-beta iirc to whatever the
> stable branch of 5.2 was pointing to a few of weeks ago) I seem to be
> getting a ton of additional Binding loop errors in QML that I didn't
> get before (qmake says I'm on 5.2.2).
> As a quick example, I get a complaint that there's a binding loop
> error for the following:
> property url font_fira: path_fonts + "FiraSans-Regular.ttf";
> property variant fl_font_default: FontLoader { id: fontDefault;
> source: font_fira; }
> QML FontLoader: Binding loop detected for property "source"
> The code didn't generate any errors before. So...
> * What changed to cause all these additional warnings?
> * Is there a way to suppress them?
> * Any idea what the specific example I posted is complaining about?
> Also are there any debugging methods I can use to trace out a binding
> loop? In general, pointing to a line in a QML file doesn't really
> provide enough information to figure out what's going on unless its a
> trivial case. An extended call stack would help a lot.
> Preet

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