[Interest] qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.2.1.zip broken?

Guido Seifert wargand at gmx.de
Sun Mar 23 18:00:19 CET 2014

> Yes, please report it.

In a few days. Want to experiment a bit first. See if it depends on a certain combination
of options. I had the problems with -opengl desktop. Currently I try -angle. Too bad... with
my machine plus the necessary webkit compile, I manage at max two compile runs a day. And with
'day' I really man 24hrs. 

> I'm sure lots of people have compiled from sources. I have. That's not the 
> problem.
> Lots of people have also compiled in out-of-source builds. That's also not the 
> problem.

So what is the problem?
> > Ok, ok, true, but only words. Of course 'install-out-of-build' is IMHO
> > absolutely necessary.
> I'm glad you prefixed it with "IMHO", because evidence shows that most people 
> don't care. The evidence is the fact that no one else has run into this before 
> you.

What really surprises me. And this is the reason why I want to experiment a bit.
> Anyway, you can work around this by extracting the sources where you want them 
> to be. If you don't like the "qtbase" part of the name, then extract qtbase in 
> your target dir and all the other modules elsewhere. They don't have to be 
> side-by-side like the master .zip file has them.

Never said that there are no workarounds. Found easily one working for me. But every 
workaround has its cons. And with such a considerable compile time every failed 
attempt really hurts. 


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