[Interest] Qt 5.3.0 QML Android: how to deploy custom c++ plugin directory structure

Frédéric Martinsons frederic.martinsons at sigfox.com
Sun May 25 07:53:15 CEST 2014

Ok can you give me the id. I would follow this. For the dependencies, my
plugin is pure qt so I imagine the qt libs are already loaded at the time
of the import.
Le 24 mai 2014 14:09, "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com> a écrit :

> I've filed bugs against 3.0 and so the 3.1 creator should be working
> better, if they made it in.
> Note that the dynamic loader in android can only load libraries whose
> dependencies are already satisfied, unlike the real ld which will fetch and
> load dependencies.
> --
> Sent from my Android phone with GMX Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
> "Frédéric Martinsons" <frederic.martinsons at sigfox.com> wrote:
>>       Hello Qt,
>>  I recently downloaded the last Qt release (5.3.0) and I try to porting
>> my functional QML application to Android. I encountered a problem with
>> integrating my custom c++ plugin into the APK. The directory structure I
>> got on desktop is the following:
>>  MyProject/
>>         MyBinary
>>         MyPlugin/
>>              libMyPlugin.so
>>              qmldir
>>  The qmldir is the following
>>  module MyPlugin
>>  plugin MyPlugin
>>  and inside the main.qml I do a "import MyPlugin 1.0". Everything works
>> fine on Desktop but I didn't manage to get the same directory structure
>> after deploying my applications with QtCreator 3.1.1.
>>  By playing with INSTALLS target inside my pro files, I manager to
>> reproduce the right directory under $(BUILD_TARGET)/libs/armeabi-v7a/ where
>> is my application main library (libMyLibrary.so) but this structure isn't
>> exported to the android emulator target and of course my application do not
>> find the "MyPlugin" plugin.
>>  I tried to play with custom AndroidManifest.xml and res/values/libs.xml
>> (in bundle lib) but without success.
>>  Have you any hints to give me to get everything works. I managed to
>> launch my application by reproducing the directory structure on the target
>> with "adb shell mkdir and adb push) after the APK install but it's very
>> ugly and I would to have a self contained APK.
>>  Any help would be kindly appreciate. Thanks.
>>  Frederic.
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