[Interest] Antwort: Re: Qt3d bild issues

Amit.2.Deshpande at continental-corporation.com Amit.2.Deshpande at continental-corporation.com
Wed Oct 1 17:10:03 CEST 2014

Hello everyone,

Thank you for some of the suggestions. 
The problem was: I had downloaded the Qt3D package from the git website.

It is recommended to clone it and not download it. 
If someone else is facing similar problems I would suggest you to clone.

Now working fine in Fedora. 


Von:    Freddy Martinez Garcia <freddy311082 at gmail.com>
An:     Amit.2.Deshpande at continental-corporation.com, 
Datum:  30.09.2014 14:50
Betreff:        Re: [Interest] Qt3d bild issues

did you added Qt3D module in you .pro file ?

"El tamaño de tus logros depende del tamaño de tus metas." 
C++ and Qt Senior Developer
Lic. Computer Science
Buenos Aires, Argentina

On Sep 30, 2014, at 9:47 AM, Amit.2.Deshpande at continental-corporation.com 


        I am new to Qt and I am configuring Qt3D module for Qt. 

        The Qt3D model does not recognise the headers when i build it in 
release mode. 

         I have attached one example screenshot. 
         As a solution i mapped the complete path of the header. 
         And it recognises ultimately. 
         But having to do this for almost all headers that are in a 
different directories is painful. 
         I feel there is something wrong in my installation approach or am 
I missing some additional tool. 
         I am facing the same problem with Fedora and Windows 7. 

         Appreciate any help. :)         
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