[Interest] Parallel state and local transactions issue

Mandeep Sandhu mandeepsandhu.chd at gmail.com
Mon Oct 13 18:40:17 CEST 2014

>From your state machine (SM) diagram it's not clear how GUI SM transitions
from 'third' to 'first' state. Do you have a transition from third state to
first state?

Note, if you're exiting _any_ of the parallel SMs and then re-entering it
(which seems to be your case), then ALL parallel SMs will exit and
re-enter. This might explain why the controller SM is ending up in first
state when you exit the GUI SM.


On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 3:32 AM, Alessandro Lonardi <
alessandro.lonardi at edalab.it> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm having a trouble with a state machine particular case (using Qt 5.3).
> My state machine has two parallel macro-states. One is meant to model the
> GUI evolution, the other one is meant to model the controller evolution.
> Since in both states there's a complex structure, for practicability, I use
> a local transition to reach some important states from any other states.
> I've provided a simplified schematic at http://gdurl.com/l9km. As you see
> for both Controller and GUI sub-states, the first state is reachable from
> any other state.
> Using this state machine structure, whenever a local transition triggers,
> it will cause an exit() from the Parallel-container state, "resetting" the
> other independent parallel state. For instance, with reference to the
> proposed example, suppose to be in Controller's Second state and in the GUI
> Third state. If the GUI local transaction is triggered (to reach its First
> state), even for the Controller parallel state that happens, since the
> Parallel-Container for some reason exits and re-enters in itself (which
> should not happen since the local transactions doesn't start from it).
> In order to make the thing working anyway, I've made a "wrapper" state for
> each parallel state (i.e. GUI-wrapper and Controller-wrapper), which
> intercepts the "exit", without involving the other parallel states into a
> reset a caused by a global Parallel-container exiting and re-entering.
> I think that this is an issue worthy of discussion.
> Hope that helps, and thanks in advance for any clearance.
> Alessandro.
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