[Interest] Future of Qt with Ios

Kate Alhola kate.alhola at gmail.com
Tue Sep 16 11:51:02 CEST 2014

My work getting app working with ios8 continues, alone (alone, no one is
interested to share experiences).

After i got basic stuff working with Qt5.3.2RC and using NSFileManager
method to get right path to data files i found next issue. Screen rotation
does not work any more, or it rotates but does not notify app that it is
rotated. So if I have portrait and i turn device to landscape, i have upper
part of portrait visible in left side of landscape screen with right
orientation but width is still portrait width. I put qDebug to eventFilter
and I see that absolutely no event arrives when i turn screen.


On Sun, Sep 14, 2014 at 8:13 PM, Kate Alhola <kate.alhola at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Gustavsen Richard <
> Richard.Gustavsen at digia.com> wrote:
>>  We always work to support the latest versions of an OS, also on iOS. So
>> yes, Qt will build and and run on iOS 8. Internally we have been working
>> with the developer preview for some time already. We have no plans for
>> Metal yet, though.
> I tried to look and ask what does this mean in practice. I tried with some
> qt supplied demo apps, Latest released Qt 5.3.1 does NOT run in IOS8,
> Qt5.3.2RC does run. When I tried to get my app running, i noticed that app
> data directories are now in new location and I needed to use
> [NSFileManager defaultManager] URLsForDirectory:NSDocumentDirectory to
> get my app working.
> Kate
>>  -Richard
>>  ------------------------------
>> *Fra:* interest-bounces+richard.gustavsen=digia.com at qt-project.org
>> [interest-bounces+richard.gustavsen=digia.com at qt-project.org] på vegne
>> av Karl Loveridge [KLoveridge at eatsleepplay.biz]
>> *Sendt:* 12. september 2014 02:10
>> *Til:* interest at qt-project.org
>> *Emne:* [Interest] Future of Qt with Ios
>>   I’m really rooting for Qt. I love it so far. I’ve invested about 7
>> months into a project using Qt. But I’m having some doubts that I wonder if
>> anyone could help me with.
>> I’m concerned that Qt and the iOS are a bit at odds with each other. For
>> instance, Apple just announced iOS 8. Try to find information about how Qt
>> is going to handle the new OS change. I can’t find anything. Is Qt planning
>> on supporting Metal (which is Apple’s new OpenGL replacement—which is 10x
>> faster than OpenGL)—which is exclusively Apple. Just questions like these
>> bother me that there isn’t “buzz” happening around Qt.
>> Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
>> With my project, I’m at a bit of a cross roads. Its written with Qt at
>> its heart. The hope was to have a nice environment to make a Apple/Android
>> app. But I’m feeling a little hesitant about the direction I’m going in.
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