[Interest] [interest] UITools - how to modify the GUI?

Tamás Nagy tamas.nagy.001 at gmail.com
Fri Apr 10 16:02:22 CEST 2015


I loaded the UI with UITools.
I read the new texts of buttons from an XML file.
I would like to change the button names.
I would like to print error messages into the textEdit.

I cannot access the textEdit:

#include <QtUiTools/QUiLoader>

QUiLoader uiLoader;
QFile file("mainwindow.ui");
ui = uiLoader.load(&file);

// it always returns 0, no idea why. I have a textEdit with this name: textEdit.
QTextEdit * textedit2 = ui->findChild<QTextEdit*>("textEdit",

   if(textedit2) {
        textedit2->setText("TEST writing...\n");


I can access elements, but I cannot change them. What is wrong?


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