[Interest] Dynamically change dock icon under OS X

Till Oliver Knoll till.oliver.knoll at gmail.com
Wed Apr 15 19:21:58 CEST 2015

> Am 15.04.2015 um 13:52 schrieb Bob Hood <bhood2 at comcast.net>:
> ...
> Anybody have any insights here?  I already suspect it simply isn't possible, 
> but I thought I'd ask anyway.

I might be wrong, but doesn't Qt Creator also update its app icon by showing the number of compile errors?

For sure there exists a Cocoa API for this (which might be easy to embed into your application as platform-specific *.mm Obj-C++ code), but chances are there is no Qt API (yet?).

Wouldn't the "Qt MacExtras" module be a place for this (to search/implement)?

Then again, I remember discussions even here on qt-interest, and the conclusion seemed to be that all those "Qt WhateverExtras" modules where a bad idea to begin with (for reasons I cannot quite remember right now, but they sounded convincing at the time ;)).

If I'm right about Qt Creator your best bet might be to see how they do it - or wait for a better answer ;)


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