[Interest] PropertyAction doesn't work with anchors

Tomasz Olszak olszak.tomasz at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 08:33:42 CEST 2015

2015-08-06 7:55 GMT+02:00 Ruslan Moukhlynin <ruslan at khvmntk.ru>:
> Yes, but that isn't mandatory.
> Anyway what can I do if I don't want animation but immediate change?
> 06.08.2015 14:43, Dmitry Volosnykh пишет:
> When using AnchorChanges in states, you should refer to AnchorAnimation in
> transitions. See http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-anchoranimation.html
> On Thu, Aug 6, 2015 at 1:58 AM, Ruslan Moukhlynin <ruslan at khvmntk.ru> wrote:
>> Unfortunately that doesn't work too.
>> I've tried:
>> in states:
>> ...
>> AnchorChanges {
>>     target: rect
>>         anchors {
>>             top: undefined
>>             bottom: parent.bottom
>>         }
>> }
>> ...
>> and so, in transitions:
>> ...
>> PropertyAction {
>>     target: rect
>>     properties: "anchors"
>> }
>> ...
>> 05.08.2015 17:52, Dmitry Volosnykh пишет:
>> What if you specify a single property: "anchors" and set it to object
>> value: { "bottom": 100; "top": 100 }
>> PS. Just a suggestion. Have not done something similar by myself.
>> On Wed, Aug 5, 2015 at 2:33 AM, Ruslan Moukhlynin <ruslan at khvmntk.ru>
>> wrote:
>>> Suppose we have following code:
>>> Rectangle {
>>>     id:  rect
>>>     width: 100
>>>     height: 100
>>>     MouseArea {
>>>         anchors.fill: parent
>>>         onClicked: {
>>>             rect.state = "state1"
>>>         }
>>>     }
>>>     states: [
>>>         State {
>>>             name: "state1"
>>>             AnchorChanges {
>>>                 target: rect
>>>                 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
>>>                 anchors.top: undefined
>>>             }
>>>             PropertyChanges {
>>>                 target: rect
>>>                 color: "red"
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     ]
>>>     transitions: [
>>>         Transition {
>>>             SequentialAnimation {
>>>                 PropertyAction {
>>>                     target: rect
>>>                     properties: "anchors.bottom,anchors.top"
>>>                     value: "100"
>>>                 }
>>>                 PropertyAnimation {
>>>                     target: rect
>>>                     property: "color"
>>>                     duration: 1000
>>>                 }
>>>             }
>>>         }
>>>     ]
>>> }
>>> anchors should be changed immediately but that not happens.
>>> PropertyAction works fine with some another properties but not with anchors.
>>> --
>>> With best regards,
>>> Ruslan Moukhlynin
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>>> Interest mailing list
>>> Interest at qt-project.org
>>> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
>> --
>> With best regards,
>> Ruslan Moukhlynin
>> _______________________________________________
>> Interest mailing list
>> Interest at qt-project.org
>> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest
> --
> With best regards,
> Ruslan Moukhlynin
> _______________________________________________
> Interest mailing list
> Interest at qt-project.org
> http://lists.qt-project.org/mailman/listinfo/interest

Instead of PropertyAction try to use

AnchorAnimation {duration: 0}


ScriptAction {
    script: {
        rect.anchors.bottom = Qt.binding(function(){return rect.parent.bottom})
        rect.anchors.top = Qt.binding(function(){return rect.parent.top})



anchors.bottom: rect.parent.bottom
anchors.top: rect.parent.top

in PropertyChanges

I don't know the details but seems like AnchorChanges is not superset
od PropertyChanges but rather something similar. I had some issues
with some specific edge cases it in the past but there are always at
least a few ways to workaround.

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