[Interest] Qt3D: QMainWindow vs ApplicationWindow

Brett (Gmail) brettbibby at gmail.com
Sun Aug 9 21:56:48 CEST 2015

I’m starting a brand new project for Mac, Windows, Linux desktops using Qt3D and the new additions (shaders, components, etc.). The app makes heavy use of 3D geometry and OpenGL. I started off doing the typical thing and using a QMainWindow. It took a little mucking about though with the view (QWinddow) to get it working as the central widget with the right surface to render the Qt3D content. It works but feels fragile as there’s noticeable flickering when resizing neighboring docked widgets, the window, etc. Creating multiple documents (MainWindows) makes it much worse.

When I look at QTQuick/QML though it feels like it’s intended for lightweight apps and it’s not always clear what should be defined in C+ and what should be done in QML/JS; especially for a big app like mine needing undo, copy/paste, drag/drop, user scripting, multi-threading, etc.

Since it’s a new app with a long life ahead of it, I’m curious: Am I better off switching to QML and an ApplicationWindow that can render all the widgets using OpenGL including a central widget? Or should I forego QML and stick with the traditional QMainWindow and do everything in C++, filing bugs against all the issues I’m encountering?

I know it’s an open-ended question but I’m really torn about which path to pursue and any thoughts appreciated.

Thanks for your time!

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