[Interest] Windows deployment. Failed to start because of missing platform plugin...

Samuel Gaist samuel.gaist at edeltech.ch
Fri Aug 28 15:42:41 CEST 2015

On 28 août 2015, at 15:20, Bo Thorsen <bo at vikingsoft.eu> wrote:

> Den 28-08-2015 kl. 10:01 skrev Igor Mironchik:
>> I'm trying to deploy Qt Windows application. And it failed to start with
>> the next message...
>> This application failed to start because it could not find or load the
>> Qt platform plugin "windows".
>> Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
>> Platform plugin is exist in ./platforms/qwindows.dll
> It has to be in plugins/platforms/qwindows.dll.
>> How can I solve this problem?
> When I hit this, I copy every dll from Qt to my bin dir and every plugin 
> to the plugins dir. If that runs, then you can start deleting stuff and 
> see if your application still runs.
> For example, I have this:
> C:\Prog..\VikingSoftware\Pokerformance\
>   pokerformance.exe
>   Qt5Core.dll
>   Qt5Gui.dll
>   Qt5Network.dll
>   Qt5Sql.dll
>   Qt5Widgets.dll
>   plugins\
>     platforms\
>       qwindows.dll
>     sqldrivers\
>       qsqlite.dll
> This works for me with Qt 5.5.
> I hope this helps.
> Bo Thorsen,
> Director, Viking Software.
> -- 
> Viking Software
> Qt and C++ developers for hire
> http://www.vikingsoft.eu


There's also windeployqt that can help for that matters


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