[Interest] Qt3D for cad project

Tom Kulaga tommy8927 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 05:27:30 CET 2015

Hi All, Qt3D Team,

I've been tinkering with Qt3D recently for an electronics CAD project I'm
working on.

I've got a few questions about as to approaches I could/should take to help
me make it work.

A lot of the items I will be drawing will be "meta items" of sorts. They
will be moveable as one item, but contain different sub parts, on different

Taking a look at this image below taken from Altium:

You can see the different subparts to this particular component, The
different coloured circles, and the numbers. Would I have a different
Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer for each bit. Possibly sub-classing it, to
add in the "layer" information (where layer here basically means different

If I take this approach and each component say has about 5 or 6
Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderers associated with it, and I have about 30000
of these guys. Will Qt3D handle that nicely?

 Another question that I have is am I able to group these
Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer, so that when I draw my Item, all the
"layers" are drawn. Or would I have different The vertex data in one big
Qt3DRender::QGeometryRenderer with some primitive restarts and different
per-vertex colours?

I also want to enable picking (which I've seen from the qt3d examples is
very easy and simple). If I enable an object picker onto these 300000
Entities, will that cause any significant performance problems? (This will
definitely vary depending on machine, I guess im just asking conceptually
if its the right thing to do).

Any help would be appreciated.

Much Thanks,
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