[Interest] Qt 5 Creator 3.3 (Mac) Debugger locks up with endless error logging of "DW_AT_specification(address) has no decl"

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Feb 3 00:56:46 CET 2015

On Monday February 02 2015 15:11:48 Jim Prouty wrote:

> Way too often Qt Creator 3.3 completely locks up when it hits certain breakpoints in our app using our self-compiled Qt 5.4.1 on Mac OS X 10.9.5.

I've been having the same issue today debugging kded4, though not when hitting a breakpoint but when stepping over a badly chosen expression like

            const int index = iface->metaObject()->indexOfProperty(d->property.toLatin1());
            QMetaProperty metaProp = iface->metaObject()->property(index);
            QVariant value = metaProp.isReadable() ? metaProp.read(iface) : QVariant();
            QVariant expected = d->value;

It looks like a combination of an lldb issue that's aggravated by the fact Qt Creator uses Python to control lldb. I have however been able to get out of the situation by repeating "Abort Debugging" twice, and a killall -9 of the app I was debugging.


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