[Interest] Additional output from QtCore

Valery Kotov kotov.valery at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 16:23:53 CET 2015

Hello Thiago,

Thank you for your hints!

> Why is it queued? You're adding a delay of one full event loop processing
> after the timer fires, which already happens inside the event loop.

Actually, it is direct. My bad. I didn't notice that it uses auto.

> You can do that if you write a testcase. With QtTest, you can use the -vs
> option to print all signal emissions.

Actually, it might be a good option. I've never considered this. Thank you!

> Another option is to just put a breakpoint and debug inside QtCore.
It could be an option. But, the problem here, I have no clue where to put a
breakpoint. =) I would expect it should be somewhere around QMetaObject. I
will dig deer to find out.

Sincerely yours,
Valery Kotov
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