[Interest] Issues building Qt 5.4.0 on CentOS 5.

Simon Matthews simon at matthews.eu
Thu Feb 12 07:04:58 CET 2015

On Wed, 11 Feb 2015, Thiago Macieira wrote:

> On Wednesday 11 February 2015 19:17:02 Simon Matthews wrote:
>> OK, nm. By the way, am I correct in my belief that for Qt 5.4.0, that
>> Webkit depends on icu?
> Correct.

Thanks for confirming that. I did not want to waste time chasing down an 
issue that wasn't relevent to my problem.

Using the link and some slight modifications, I got Qt to build, 
apparently with ICU support, but, no Webkit. After installation, there are 
no files called

It looks like I need to figure out how to get it to build with fontconfig 
and maybe other options that I have disabled (multimedia?)

./configure -R ‘\\\$$ORIGIN’ -D _X_INLINE=inline -D 
XK_dead_currency=0xfe6f -D XK_ISO_Level5_Lock=0xfe13 -D 
-opensource -qt-libpng -qt-zlib -qt-libjpeg  -nomake examples 
-qt-sql-sqlite -confirm-license -prefix /usr/lib/Qt/Qt-5.4.0-x86_64 
-widgets -no-openssl  -no-openssl -no-dbus -no-fontconfig -qt-xcb 
-no-opengl  -skip activeqt -skip androidextras -skip connectivity -skip 
enginio -skip location -skip macextras -skip multimedia -skip quick1 -skip 
sensors -skip serialport -skip wayland -skip webchannel -skip 
webkit-examples  -skip x11extras  -c++11 -icu

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