[Interest] QMap operator<() overload.

manish sharma 83.manish at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 10:50:45 CET 2015


I am using a QMap to maintain my sorted list based with QString as key.

QMap <QString, MyValue> list;

I have certain pattern inside key of above map and want to have my own
sorting order than default QString operator<().

So i have following function in my cpp.

bool operator<(const QString &s1, const QString &s2)
// my logic of sorting.

which leads to a following warning:

*.\main.cpp(20) : warning C4273: 'operator <' : inconsistent dll linkage*
*        C:\TekSDK\include\QtCore/qstring.h(585) : see previous definition
of '<'*

What is harm with this warning, does it has any implication? How do to fix

Thanks & Regards,
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