[Interest] Run Qt Widget program with minimal Xorg installation on Linux

ruslan ruslan at khvmntk.ru
Fri Jan 9 14:14:07 CET 2015

Ok, it should be clearer if I'll describe the program purpose. It will
be server witch receives QML code, convert a visual result to image
with  QQuickWindow::grabWindow() and return it to caller.
Some kind of remote execution. So all I need is VDS witch have ability
to execute Qt program (not console). The only way I know to run it is
Xorg server. May be framebuffer, but if I run the program with -target
linuxfb I get same error.

So VNC is only tool to see that Qt program runs in the server. Sure, I
can connect with SSH and start the program from the Bash bet that gives
me same errors as when I run it in BlackBox.
I'll try to connect to X session on remote server with SSH and port 
forwarding but I still think the problem in X server itself. It looks
like it misses something important.

09.01.2015 22:49, René J.V. Bertin ???????:
> On Friday January 09 2015 22:12:22 ruslan wrote:
>> In my case I installed VNC server just for control purposes. In
>> standalone mode the Qt program should work on remote server without VNC,
>> just with Xorg server.
>> I have same OS (Debian 7) om my works machine with same Xorg server and
>> same Qt version. And there everything works well of course. So I can't
>> understand what I miss on my VPS in comparisson with my works machine.
>> Ok, I use there KDE as WM and on VPS it's Blackbox.
> The WM is not the culprit: it's trying to do its job. If I understand correctly what you're saying your problem really lies with the use of VNC; either the server or the client don't support the sort of displaying technology your programme is trying to use.
> Why not login to your VM over ssh, and try a remote X11 connection by setting the DISPLAY variable to the one you're using on your work machine? Launching the troublesome Qt application from a terminal like that might give you some more insight in what's happening - or if things work then you know that the VNC software is indeed the culprit.
> Cheers,
> R.
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/Best regards,
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