[Interest] iOS building suddenly broke, malformed mach-o image

Harri Pasanen harri at mpaja.com
Sun Jan 25 10:34:02 CET 2015

Suddenly I can't build anything for iOS device any more from QC, while 
it was still working yesterday.

I get the following type of messages:

CoreTelephony: malformed mach-o image: load command #19 length (262240) 
would exceed sizeofcmds (3816) in 

from the CompileXIB phase.

 From the paths it looks like it is trying to link with simulator libs, 
possibly mixing i386 and arm libs?

Even the default wizard generated Qt Quick app fail to build.
My command line tools are Xcode 6.1.1 (6A2008a)

Native Xcode apps do build and run just fine.

I wonder if this rings a bell for anyone?   Seems like something is off 
in my environment...



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