[Interest] [ANNOUNCE] GammaRay 2.2.1

Allen Winter allen.winter at kdab.com
Wed Jan 28 19:03:56 CET 2015

The first bugfix release for GammaRay 2.2 is now available.

Highlights of the 2.2.1 Release:
 * Fix spawning a large number of threads in the process list.
 * Add GAMMARAY_BUILD_UI build option to only build the non-UI parts, useful for embedded targets.
 * Add workaround for QSortFilterProxyModel regression introduced in qtbase commit bec1854cc0.
 * Follow kdstatemachineeditor API changes. (master branch, currently not released. 1.0 release expected soon)
 * Use the preload injector by default on Mac for Qt >= 5.4.
 * Fix probe ABI detection on Mac bundles.
 * Fix asserts caused by icon loading in QCoreApplication-only targets.
 * Fix crash when target deletes a signal sender in a slot.

The source code can be found on GitHub at:

Tarballs and zipballs for v2.2.1 are available from:

Prebuilt (against Qt4) packages for some popular Linux distributions can be found at:

GammaRay is a tool to poke around in a Qt-application and also to manipulate
the application to some extent. GammaRay uses various DLL injection
techniques to hook into an application at runtime and provide access to a
lot of interesting information.

For more information about GammaRay, please visit

Allen Winter | allen.winter at kdab.com | Software Engineer
KDAB (USA), LLC, a KDAB Group company
Tel. USA +1-866-777-KDAB(5322) ext3, Sweden (HQ) +46-563-540090
KDAB - Qt Experts - Platform-independent software solutions
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