[Interest] [KDE/Mac] QStandardPaths::writableLocation(QStandardPaths::AppDataLocation) on OSX
René J.V. Bertin
rjvbertin at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 00:02:09 CET 2015
On Wednesday January 28 2015 22:32:33 Marko Käning wrote:
> > FontsLocation: "Fonts" */System/Library/Fonts*
> > ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */Applications*
> …
> BOTH should NOT be writeable [1]! >>>>>>>> This looks like a bug and needs fixing. <<<<<<<<<
Yes. I already signalled the fonts path thing on the Interest list, and Rutledge Shawn suggested I do a bug report. I haven't yet gotten around to doing that.
> > DataLocation: "Application Support" */Users/bertin/Library/Application Support/QtProject/qtdiag* /Library/Application
> According to [1] the path AppDataLocation is equal to DataLocation.
> The first path is always the writeable one, which is in correspondence with what you show above.
> I wonder what the original 5.4.0 code produces… Though, I somehow can’t imagine that Harri had a QSP-patched Qt 5.4.0!
Here's what qtdiag from my Digia installer install says:
Standard paths [*...* denote writable entry]:
DesktopLocation: "Desktop" */Users/bertin/Desktop*
DocumentsLocation: "Documents" */Users/bertin/Documents*
FontsLocation: "Fonts" */System/Library/Fonts*
ApplicationsLocation: "Applications" */Applications*
MusicLocation: "Music" */Users/bertin/Music*
MoviesLocation: "Movies" */Users/bertin/Movies*
PicturesLocation: "Pictures" */Users/bertin/Pictures*
TempLocation: "TemporaryItems" */var/folders/j1/1439ppj08xj8h6006s6drbq00000gs/T*
HomeLocation: "Home" */Users/bertin*
DataLocation: "Application Support" */Users/bertin/Library/Application Support/QtProject/qtdiag* /Library/Application Support/QtProject/qtdiag /usr/local/qt/5/5.4/clang_64/bin/
CacheLocation: "Caches" */Users/bertin/Library/Caches/QtProject/qtdiag* /Library/Caches/QtProject/qtdiag
GenericDataLocation: "Application Support" */Users/bertin/Library/Application Support* /Library/Application Support
RuntimeLocation: "Application Support" */Users/bertin/Library/Application Support*
ConfigLocation: "Preferences" */Users/bertin/Library/Preferences*
DownloadLocation: "Documents" */Users/bertin/Documents*
GenericCacheLocation: "Caches" */Users/bertin/Library/Caches* /Library/Caches
GenericConfigLocation: "Preferences" */Users/bertin/Library/Preferences*
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