[Interest] Where to does Qt expect to find ".qt-license" file when running on a Jenkins slave machine?

Edward Sutton edward.sutton at subsite.com
Thu Jul 2 18:32:57 CEST 2015


I opened a ticket at Qt support.

I could find no qtlicences.ini files.  Only “.qt-license”.

Thanks for the tips!


On Jul 2, 2015, at 9:25 AM, Koehne Kai <Kai.Koehne at theqtcompany.com<mailto:Kai.Koehne at theqtcompany.com>> wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Edward Sutton [mailto:edward.sutton at subsite.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 02, 2015 3:50 PM
To: Koehne Kai
Cc: Interests Qt
Subject: Re: [Interest] Where to does Qt expect to find ".qt-license" file
when running on a Jenkins slave machine?


Thank you for your help.

On a Windows 7 VM machine it installs to:


When logged on as edward3 all is good.

This same machine operates as a Jenkins slave.

Dumping the environment from the Jenkins job:


I tried copying C:\Users\edward3\.qt-license to the following without


Actually it searches for a 'qtlicenses.ini' file here, that is usually created & updated by the Qt Installers...


This location should work. Please double check that the file is there (without any hidden .txt suffixes or so), and that your Jenkins job has read access to it.


I had the slave building before using Qt Enterprise. What could have changed
I do not know?

One difference is that the license is now checked for the licenses also when running qmake, see also the ChangeLog. In earlier versions it was only run at configure time.

May I suggest to open a ticket via the Qt Support?



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