[Interest] Relevant industrial buses

Turunen Tuukka tuukka.turunen at theqtcompany.com
Fri Jul 3 12:13:51 CEST 2015


As you are probably aware, we are developing a new Qt SerialBus module. Target is to have a technology preview in Qt 5.6 with support to CANBus. You can look how it is shaping up at: http://code.qt.io/cgit/qt/qtserialbus.git/

The architecture of the new Qt SerialBus is modular, and we would like to add support to new buses relevant for Qt based systems. One area that Qt is widely used is industrial automation, and therefore we are interested in knowing which are the buses you would like to have supported with this module. We are of course also very much open to contributions to get more buses supported.


Tuukka Turunen
Director, R&D

The Qt Company
Piippukatu 11, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland
Email: tuukka.turunen at theqtcompany.com | Mobile: + 358 40 7655 800
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