[Interest] Deploy on Winphone

Federico Buti bacarozzo at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 13:27:13 CEST 2015

Hi Andrew,

uuidgen is correctly in the path BUT I had generated the project before
adding it, invalidating the cache file, as you've guessed. Despite I'm used
to polish everything when things turn out strange, like in this case, I
didn't noticed the files generated in the source tree. My bad! Polishing
the directory solved the issue. Anyway, I'll update ASAP.

Well, thanks and sorry to have bothered you with such a trivial issue.


Federico Buti

On 8 July 2015 at 12:10, Andrew Knight <andrew.knight at intopalo.com> wrote:

> On 07/08/2015 01:05 PM, Andrew Knight wrote:
> > Hi Federico,
> >
> > On 07/08/2015 12:54 PM, Federico Buti wrote:
> >> Hi list,
> >>
> >> I'm currently working on a mobile app. Android/iOS deploy run smoothy
> >> and
> >> I'm in the process of deploying also to WinPhone. For the purpose, I
> >> installed the winphone_arm Kit on my system; Qt Creator
> >> correctly recognised the toolchain and created the corresponding kit.
> >>
> >> After that I have executed the command "qmake -tp vc
> >> <project_name>.pro",
> >> as described here <http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/winrt-support.html>. Then,
> from
> >> Visual Studio, I compiled the project and the result is always this
> >> error:
> >>
> >> << error MSB4044: The "GenerateProjectPriFile" task was not given a
> >> value
> >> for the required parameter "ProjectPriIndexName".  >>
> >>
> >> I've found information on the internet suggesting it is a problem of
> >> messed
> >> up SDK. I've checked my PATH variable as well as other system
> >> variables and
> >> everything seems fine.
> > It's caused by calling qmake from a command prompt that doesn't have
> > uuidgen in the PATH. This happens if you use the default Windows
> > commmand prompt, for example.
> >
> > What version of Qt are you using? It should abort early in 5.5 if
> > uuidgen is not found.
> >> My machine settings:
> >> - Windows 8.1
> >> - Visual Studio Professional 2013 update 4
> >> - Qt 5.4.0
> Oops - asked too quickly. It's a good idea to upgrade your Qt version.
> >> - Winphone store license valid and correctly set.
> >>
> >> Probably it is some stupid setting I've missed but I cannot really
> >> identify
> >> it. Any help/clue/suggestion would be really appreciated.
> > The fix is to delete the .qmake.cache file in your build directory and
> > then regenerate the project from the correct command prompt (Visual
> > Studio 2013 x86 Native Tools).
> >
> >> Thanks in advance,
> >> F.
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> >> Interest mailing list
> >> Interest at qt-project.org
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> > --
> > Andrew
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