[Interest] Qt.io confusing website ... where are the pricing table and how to get indie license ?

Daniel França daniel.franca at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 10:36:02 CEST 2015

Welcome to the group :(
There's a big thread about this, search for the subject "Indie Mobil
Program terminated?".

TL;DR Yes, the Indie license is gone =/ No reasonable alternative until
now, not even the professional license, and the new website is a mess =/

Em qui, 16 de jul de 2015 às 10:28, Gian Maxera <gmaxera at gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I don’t know if in this mailing list there is someone in charge of
> developing the Qt.io new website … so, sorry If I’m complaining on the
> wrong list, but the new Qt.io website is a nightmare maze ! :-(
> There is no way to understand what Qt does on different platform and
> license.
> Where is a simple pricing table with what’s included or not ? Where is a
> list and a comparison of what it’s included for each commercial license ?
> What are the purpose of the wizard-questions that get you to one of the Qt
> products ? The questions are very strange and weird !
> Why I cannot just select the type of the license I want without answering
> to all these questions ?
> How can I get the indie license ? I tried to answer in different ways
> trying a lot of combination … but I always end on two possible outcomes:
> LGPL free and 350$/month commercial one !
> So, are there only two type of licensing ? So, why just do not clear say
> that on the website ?
> Sorry about this complain … but I’m complaining because I love Qt … and
> the old website was so good, so clear, so simple … that this new confusion,
> obscure website does not help me to spread the voice about the powerful of
> Qt.
> Ciao,
> Gianluca.
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