[Interest] Qt 5.5 + XCode 7 beta + IOS 8.4

Rollastre Prostrit rollastre at gmail.com
Wed Jul 29 15:07:24 CEST 2015

Hi list.

I installed XCode 7 (beta) alongside with XCode 6 and I was giving a 
shot to Qt 5.4 for iOS using it because it allows developing without 
purchasing any Apple Developer Program thing. From within XCode 7 (beta) 
I can run any of the sample programs it comes with directly in my iPad 
which is great. It has required me to iterate a couple of times to "fix 
issues" to do so. Thus, I assume that my XCode 7 (beta) environment is 
configured correctly. I have then created a new kit in QtCreator (3.4.1) 
pointing to the new XCode 7 (beta) and used it. The question is that I 
still see the message:

=== BUILD TARGET TestMultiPlatform OF PROJECT TestMultiPlatform WITH 

Check dependencies
Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profiles found: No 
provisioning profiles matching the bundle identifier 
“com.TestMultiPlatform” were found.
CodeSign error: code signing is required for product type 'Application' 
in SDK 'iOS 8.4'

that I used to see when I tried with XCode 6. To my knowledge, this 
should no longer happen since those problems also appeared initially in 
XCode 7 (beta) and after the "fix issues" thing they were gone. It feels 
like the configuration produced to fix them is not somehow captured by 
Qt Creator or some.

So the question(s) is (are)

1) is XCode 7 supported/compatible with Qt5.4/QtCreator even though it 
is a BETA?

2) has somebody managed to build and run a Qt application in a device 
without purchasing any Apple Developer Program thing?

3) am I doing something wrong or missing something (I had followed the 
corresponding guides)?

4) is it possible to configure QtCreator, maybe even manually, to use 
the settings from XCode that work? if yes, how?


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