[Interest] Static Qt Quick 2 Extension Plugin Install Failure

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 05:41:49 CEST 2015

I created a Qt Quick 2 Extension plugin and compiled it static on OSX Qt

When I compile the QQuickPaintedItem derived C++ class directly into
my binary, it works fine after QmlRegistertype( ).

Now I am trying to migrate it to a plugin so it can be shared easily
among the rest of my projects.

But now I am lost how to "install" the plugin so it
has auto-import behavior QT Creator
without having to issue QmlRegisterType( )

The PRO file shows:

TEMPLATE = libTARGET = rpzplugQT += qml quickCONFIG += qt plugin static

In my release build directory, it creates the qmldir file
along with the librpzplug.a file.


qmldir file has:

module Rpz

plugin rpzplug

Similar to native plugins:
import QtQuick 2.4

I would like in Qml to directly import the static plugin:

import Rpz 1.0 or import rpzplug 1.0

There must be more specific instruction on how to install static

plugins so Qt Creater can link them into projects.

And it would help greatly if qmlscene is able load rpzplug
for quick QML review purposes.

Anybody use qmlplugindump successfully on a static
QQmlExtensionPlugin based plugin to create the qmltypes file?

What is your command line syntax for the plugindump tool?

How to provide Qmlscene the proper -I path so that it can actually

load the custom plugin.

All I get are errors how my Type is not available and my -I path is

not enough for qmlscene to find the qmldir, but it is there.

Thanks for any guidance.
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