[Interest] My first OSX compile ends in error.

Jason H jhihn at gmx.com
Tue Jun 30 23:24:04 CEST 2015

Normally I build on Linux, or when building on OSX, for iOS. But this is my first stab at running the QML app on OSX.

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "qt_static_plugin_QSvgPlugin()", referenced from:
      main::StaticQSvgPluginPluginInstance::StaticQSvgPluginPluginInstance() in main.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Error while building/deploying project wound (kit: Desktop Qt 5.4.1 clang 64bit)
When executing step "Make"

Can anyone help? Thanks!

-------- .pro file (relevant parts):
QTPLUGIN += qsvg

macx {
    QMAKE_MAC_SDK = macosx10.10

android {
	QT += androidextras

ios {
	QMAKE_INFO_PLIST = ios/Info.plist
        QTPLUGIN += qsqlite qtsensors_ios
	launch_image.files = $$PWD/ios/Launch.xib $$files($$PWD/ios/LaunchImage*.png)
	QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += launch_images
	ios_icon.files = $$files($$PWD/ios/AppIcon*.png)
	QMAKE_BUNDLE_DATA += ios_icon
-------- main contains:
#ifdef __APPLE__

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