[Interest] Widget doesn't receive mouse events...

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Wed May 13 14:48:24 CEST 2015

Hi guys,

I ran into a problem. I have one widget that do for itself QCamera 
initialization, like this:

if( AppCfg::instance().cfg().cameraName() != d->cameraName )
         d->cameraName = AppCfg::instance().cfg().cameraName();

         if( d->camera )
             disconnect( d->camera, 0, this, 0 );
             disconnect( d->capture, 0, this, 0 );

             delete d->camera;
             d->camera = 0;

             delete d->capture;
             d->capture = 0;

         d->camera = new QCamera( 
             this );

         d->viewFinder = new QCameraViewfinder;

         d->camera->setViewfinder( d->viewFinder );

         d->capture = new QCameraImageCapture( d->camera, this );
QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToBuffer );

         d->camera->setCaptureMode( QCamera::CaptureStillImage );

         emit cameraInitialized();

         connect( d->camera, &QCamera::locked,
             this, &CameraScreen::cameraLocked );

         connect( d->capture, &QCameraImageCapture::imageCaptured,
             this, &CameraScreen::imageCaptured );

         connect( d->capture, &QCameraImageCapture::imageSaved,
             this, &CameraScreen::imageSaved );


This widget has method that returns QCameraViewfinder:

QCameraViewfinder *
CameraScreen::cameraViewfinder() const
     return d->viewFinder;

Another widget connected to the cameraInitialized() signal and do the 
following in the slot:

     if( d->stackedWidget->count() > 1 )
         QWidget * viewfinder = d->stackedWidget->widget( 1 );
         d->stackedWidget->removeWidget( viewfinder );

     d->stackedWidget->addWidget( d->cameraScreen->cameraViewfinder() );

So my problem is that that if I comment line:

d->stackedWidget->addWidget( d->cameraScreen->cameraViewfinder() );

then widget receives mouse events and work as expected, but when I 
uncomment those line widget doesn't receive any mouse events and only 
paint itself and that is all. QCameraViewfinder displays only black 

What is the problem can be? Thank you.

P.S. I've checked that QCamera and QCameraViewfinder with this 
initialization works. If I don't give parent-ship to the QStackedWidget 
and invoke show() on QCameraViewfinder as top level window then 
everything is ok. But when I pass QCameraViewfinder to my widget it 
stops to receive mouse events and view finder doesn't display data from 
my camera...

P.P.S. My widget has free area where QCameraViewfinder doesn't no 
layouted, i.e. layout margins. And this area should receive mouse events 
but it doesn't. Mouse events transmits to the another widget that under 
my widget. And one more word about my widget: this is panel on top of 
the another UI that can be moved by mouse, i.e pullout panel...

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