[Interest] iOS Objective-C callback block example connecting back to iOS Qt app?
Harri Pasanen
harri at mpaja.com
Fri May 15 14:27:13 CEST 2015
Steps 1 & 2 are unnecessary.
You can just call your C++ function from the Objective-C++ code.
And by setting up you signal / slot registration correctly, you can even
let Qt handle the threading issues,
What you describe is more akin to Java to Qt C++ call, with
Objective-C++ it really is simple.
On 15/05/2015 14:17, Edward Sutton wrote:
> Harri,
> Thank you.
> I think I need to figure out how to:
> 1 - Pass in a function pointer to the Objective-C code.
> 2 - The Objective-C callback block calls the function pointer back
> into the C++ code
> 3 - C++ code raises a Qt signal
> 4 - Qt client app receives signal
> And figure out any threading issues.
> -Ed
>> On May 15, 2015, at 1:48 AM, Harri Pasanen <harri at mpaja.com
>> <mailto:harri at mpaja.com>> wrote:
>> Actually it is trivial.
>> Just rename your Objective-C .m to .mm to make it Objective-C++
>> Then you can just mix Qt code in the same source.
>> So your successBlock could read:
>> successBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF) {
>> QString *result = QString::fromNSString([NSString
>> stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF did succeed (%@ / %@)", htmlToPDF,
>> htmlToPDF.PDFpath]);
>> qDebug() << result;
>> }
>> Only thing you may need to be aware of is threading, the success block
>> could be called from different thread you Qt code is running.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Harri
>> On 14/05/2015 23:53, Edward Sutton wrote:
>>> Can anyone share an example on how to implement the asynchronous
>>> return of a result from an Objective-C callback block to Qt?
>>> For example, see the “successBlock:” below which gets called back
>>> asynchronously.
>>> self.PDFCreator = [NDHTMLtoPDF createPDFWithHTML:(NSString*)html
>>> baseURL:(NSURL*)baseUrl
>>> pathForPDF:[@"~/Documents/hello-world.pdf"
>>> stringByExpandingTildeInPath]
>>> pageSize:kPaperSizeA4
>>> margins:UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 5, 10, 5)
>>> successBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF) {
>>> NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF
>>> did succeed (%@ / %@)", htmlToPDF, htmlToPDF.PDFpath];
>>> NSLog(@"%@",result);
>>> self.resultLabel.text = result;
>>> }
>>> errorBlock:^(NDHTMLtoPDF *htmlToPDF) {
>>> NSString *result = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"HTMLtoPDF
>>> did fail (%@)", htmlToPDF];
>>> NSLog(@"%@",result);
>>> self.resultLabel.text = result;
>>> }];
>>> Background:
>>> ————————
>>> I need to implement native iOS code to replace the missing QPrinter
>>> functionality I used to convert HTML to a PDF report on Android, OS
>>> X, Linux, and Windows.
>>> Unfortunately the Qt html-to-pdf functionality is implemented in
>>> QPrinter. This functionality is gone from Qt iOS since iOS has no
>>> printer device support, even though I am not accessing a printer
>>> device from iOS.
>>> I found this project which seems to work:
>>> https://github.com/iclems/iOS-htmltopdf
>>> Objective-C interfacing to C++ is challenging.
>>> Thanks in advance for any tips,
>>> -Ed
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