[Interest] QML popup window closing

Juhani Matilainen juhani at theocbase.net
Tue Nov 10 22:39:22 CET 2015


I posted the same question to forum but no answers. I hope you can help. 

I have modal dialog (qml window) that includes popup window. Popup is closed ok when mouse is clicked outside of popup in modal window. But I'd like to close popup also when is clicked anywhere on screen but outside the popup. So behaviour should be the same as the combobox or menu  How this can be done?

Here is my example code:

	import QtQuick 2.3

	import QtQuick.Controls 1.2

	import QtQuick.Window 2.1


	ApplicationWindow {

		    visible: true

		    width: 640

		    height: 480


		    Button {

		        text: "Open modal window"

		        anchors.centerIn: parent

		        onClicked: { modalWindow.show() }



		    Window {

		        id: modalWindow

		        width: 300

		        height: 400

		        modality: Qt.ApplicationModal

		        Rectangle {

		            anchors.fill: parent

		            border.width: 1

		            MouseArea {

		                anchors.fill: parent

		                onClicked: {




		            Button {

		                anchors.top: parent.top

		                anchors.right: parent.right

		                text: "Close"

		                onClicked: modalWindow.close()




		        Window {

		            id: popupWindow

		            flags: Qt.Popup

		            width: 100

		            height: 100

		            x: Screen.width / 2

		            y: Screen.height / 2

		            Rectangle {

		                anchors.fill: parent

		                color: "green"





Qt Forum
Detect mouse click			de the modal windo

Thanks in advanced
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