[Interest] Windows 10 Intel Atom + Android Atom Intel

mark diener rpzrpzrpz at gmail.com
Wed Oct 7 09:13:28 CEST 2015

Has anybody has success with Qt Creator to Create Android for Intel Atom
CPU under 5.5.0?

Has anybody gotten Windows 10

How does Windows 10 tablets work with Qt 5.5.x?

For IOS and Android ARM, the USB or IOS Lightning connector running Qt
5.5.0 on Mac OSX works like a champ.

I would imagine that I can execute Android Intel from this environment
without a problem, just create a KIT for that CPU and it should work.

Then I need to boot into Windows 10 with MSVC 2015 and 5.5.0 and debug a
Windows 10 tablet.

How does this work?

Do I need to run a remote debugger process on the tablet to allow for
Compile, Deploy, Debug from a Host Windows 10 PC to a Windows 10 Tablet.  I
cannot imagine running MSVC2015 on the tablet just to Compile, Deploy,

Anybody have a comment?


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