[Interest] Qt 5.5 DEB (or other install package) for Ubuntu 14.04 out there?

Jason Kretzer Jason at gocodigo.com
Mon Oct 12 19:08:57 CEST 2015

We are currently building on a 14.04 installation.  However, when I take the DEB that is created to another pc with a stock installation of 14.04, the DEB will not install since it relies on packages that are not available through the repos.

I am asking this question second hand, on behalf of a colleague, so I may not be completely correct in the above.  The bottom line is that we are stuck using a lower Qt version than we would like and do not know what we do not know to make using Qt 5.5 happen.


-----Original Message-----
From: Yuvraaj Kelkar [mailto:yuvraaj at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, October 09, 2015 11:18 AM
To: Jason Kretzer
Cc: interest at qt-project.org
Subject: Re: [Interest] Qt 5.5 DEB (or other install package) for Ubuntu 14.04 out there?

Qt5 libraries do exist on Ubuntu 14.04.
If you have built your deb on 14.04, then the debhelper should have put in the correct dependency information.
If you build on a version > 14.04 and try to run on 14.04 then your debianization scripts need to be explicit about versions.

I used to do this by using a 14.04 VM. Now I use a 14.04 Docker image.


On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 7:48 AM, Jason Kretzer <Jason at gocodigo.com> wrote:
> Basic question.  I have a Qt 5.5 application that I want to install and run on Ubuntu 14.04.  However, the most recent Qt libs are not available in the standard repos.  Anyone know where I can obtain such things?  My little application is to be distributed as a DEB file but fails on installation due to the Qt lib version.
> Am I out of luck here and have to build my own or does such a repo exist somewhere that would obviously not only include the Qt 5.5 but their dependencies as well?
> -Jason
> //------------------------------//
>    Jason R. Kretzer
>    Lead Application Developer
>    Jason at gocodigo.com
>    //-----------------------------//
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