[Interest] Qt3d QML Transform Problem

Jeremy jswigart at gmail.com
Sun Oct 18 02:42:12 CEST 2015

I'm trying to simply move around an entity in a Qt3d scene via C++. Here's
my entity definition, and in code I am trying to move it around by simply
changing the properties

I can see that the values are indeed changing every 5 seconds as I expect
them to in my UI that I expose the scene hierarchy, as seen here


The position changes show up on the root entity as the custom positionX,
positionY, and positionZ, and also under the transform component, so they
appear to be propagating as expected, but the cylinder in the 3d view never
moves. Anyone have an idea why this might be happening?

// C++
entity->setProperty( "positionX", x );
entity->setProperty( "positionY", y );
entity->setProperty( "positionZ", z );

// QML
import Qt3D 2.0
import Qt3D.Renderer 2.0
import QtQuick 2.2 as QQ2
import Analytics 1.0 as Analytics

Entity {
id: entity
objectName: "Entity"
property double positionX: 0.0
property double positionY: 0.0
property double positionZ: 0.0
CylinderMesh {
id: mesh
radius: 32
length: 72
rings: 100
slices: 20

Material {
id: material
effect : Effect {
Transform {
id: xform
Scale {
Translate {
id: trans
dx : positionX
dy : positionY
dz : positionZ
components: [ mesh, xform, material ]
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