[Interest] Qt 5.5 and accessibility on OSX

deDietrich Gabriel Gabriel.deDietrich at theqtcompany.com
Fri Oct 23 10:42:39 CEST 2015

Hi Adam,

Can you post your example? We could have a look at it here as well and see if our measurements are consistent.

Best regards,

Dr. Gabriel de Dietrich
Senior Software Developer
The Qt Company - www.qt.io

From: interest-bounces+gabriel.dedietrich=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org <interest-bounces+gabriel.dedietrich=theqtcompany.com at qt-project.org> on behalf of Adam Light <aclight at gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 2015 11:43 PM
To: Interest at qt-project.org
Subject: [Interest] Qt 5.5 and accessibility on OSX


I'm using Qt 5.5.1 on Mac OSX 10.10.5.

I noticed my application being slower than expected, so I compiled a release build and ran the application under the Instruments time profiler (using release builds of the Qt libraries).

If I'm understanding the data correctly, about 45% of the time is spent in QAccessibleEvent::uniqueId() and functions that calls. Many of these are after calling QLabel::setText().

As far as I can tell, my application is doing nothing to make itself accessible, and I don't have any accessibility features turned on in the OS. So I'd be surprised if what should really amount to a no-op is causing such a performance problem.

Is there a way for me to disable all accessibility in Qt so I can repeat the profiling and see if performance improves?

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