[Interest] Linguist does not show several input field for strings with plural numbers

Dmitry Volosnykh dmitry.volosnykh at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 10:14:58 CET 2015

I have several strings defined in .qml file and marked with QT_TR_NOOP. The
placeholder I use is %n like the docs suggest. After running lupdate tool
on the project file I open generated .ts files in Linguist which does not
recognize them as ones which should be translated according to translation
rules for plurals.

Never the less context sources for the strings in question are displayed
correctly and target language is evaluated fine if I open 'Translation file
settings...' menu item. However, I tried to add plural translations
manually to .ts files (added numerus="yes" attribute to message tag and put
several <numerusform/> items as children of <translation/>)/ when I ran
lupdate tool once again it provided the following output:

Removed plural forms as the target language has less forms.

If this sounds wrong, possibly the target language is not set or recognized.

However, the language attribute of tag <TS/> is set as expected.

I am using prebuilt Qt 5.4.2. Linguis version is just the same.

May you suggest what to do to diagnose this problem further?

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