[Interest] newbie question: QT Quick/QML or QT Widgets

Igor Mironchik igor.mironchik at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 13:53:58 CET 2015

On 31.10.2015 15:06, Alejandro Exojo wrote:
> El Saturday 31 October 2015, anton escribió:
>> I am wondering what to use if I want to start with QT.
> First, know that we are a bit pedantic about the name, and we like to spell it
> Qt, not QT. QT is for QuickTime.
>> I have the impression that QT Quick QML is the future but:
> Both Qt Widgets and Qt Quick are the present, but have different strenghts and
> weaknesses.
>>   - I read somwehere that QT Quick is slow on devices like
>>     Raspberry PI due to resource consumption, and that
>>     this issue it will be adressed later.
> I don't think so. It depends on what application you want to run on it. The
> thing that was kind of slow were Qt Quick Controls (the predefined components
> to create buttons, dialogs, etc. with Qt Quick). Those are being rewritten.
> But on a device like that you might not use them that much. So again, depends
> on the application you want.
> Tell us the requirements of your application.
>>   - QT Creator seems to be still beta concerning the
>>     QT Quick/QML designer and it seems that people dont
>>     use it ? Like in the comments:
>>     http://blog.qt.io/blog/2015/10/27/qt-creator-3-6-beta1-released/#comment
>> -1196805
>> Hmmm if QTQuick is the future why does QTCreator a designer
>> which does not work properly ???
> If you are starting with Qt, you should not judge the state of the visual
> designer so lightly, based on two comments on a blog post. I haven't used it
> more than 5 minutes, ever, but I can tell you that it's been changing to be
> more reliable (limiting the scope of the files that it can edit, for example).
> Also, the difference of the visual editor for QML files and UI files (for
> widgets) is significant in that you are not expected to edit by hand the UI
> files, but the QML ones can be perfectly written by hand without a visual
> designer.

Just my two cents. Once I had to make small change in existing UI file. 
On that form was used custom QQuickWidget. What I had to do is to change 
base of that element to QWidget. I know that I can break all layouts, 
delete that component and relayout again. But UI was a little complex 
and C++ code sometimes used names of child layouts, for example, so 
breaking layouts could broke application logic.

What I want to say is that that QDesigner have to allow such 
propagations, and another...

And I didn't find better solution then edit UI XML by hand... :)

Best Regards,
Igor Mironchik.

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