[Interest] CLion to replace QtCreator?

André Hartmann andre.hartmann at iseg-hv.de
Mon Apr 4 13:35:47 CEST 2016

Hi all,

>  1. XML tags completion for known tags. This can be done for *.UI files,
>     and maybe some part of *.QS.  Basic XML structure is already know -
>     so even for unknown XML variants - the IDE knows what tag to close.

That would indeed be very cool.

>  2. Class implementations - for example, I derive from an interface and
>     pressing control+enter on the type will add missing methods.

That already works if you right-click on the implementation class' name 
and choose Refactor -> Insert Virtual Function of Base Classes.

You get same menu with Alt+Enter on the class name.

There are a lot more refactoring actions available, all context aware. 
Maybe you need some time to explore them all.

Best regards,

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