[Interest] CLion to replace QtCreator?
ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Tue Apr 5 20:04:09 CEST 2016
Am 05.04.16 um 19:28 schrieb Prav:
>>> This is the only feature I'm really missing in Qt Creator, and the reason I keep Sublime open besides Creator all the time.
>>> There's pretty basic multi-cursor functionality in Creator, but it's not quite as polished as Sublime's. Really, you need to try yourself to see how useful it is!
>> I like it, and added a feature request for it:
>> https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTCREATORBUG-16013
> Great!
> So now may someone (Thiago Macieira?) can help us find best place at wiki.qt.io to make wiki-page where we would add our
> feature-requests and bug-reports which are about things which are better implemented in CLion?
I wouldn't restrict it to CLion, but to 'other IDEs'
There are some workflows for mobile app development much smoother in
Eclipse Momentics IDE for BlackBerry Cascades/Qt 4.8 development.
I learned much about QtCreator from replies to this thread and want to
become more experienced with QtC before creating Issues or FeatureRequests.
> Let's move to constructive path !
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