[Interest] Add another translation?

ekke ekke at ekkes-corner.org
Wed Apr 27 07:25:27 CEST 2016

Am 26.04.16 um 22:24 schrieb Jason H:
> How I currently support English and Spanish, how do I add another language in Qt Linguist? it seems that I need to re-run lupdate? I'd love to be able to to it all by GUI, since I already have working TS files. I should be able to use them as the template, change the language, then have it wipe the values and save.
> File -> New - > Language from this file... [Enter language code].. Done.
> vs
> Drop to the command line, find the binary, invoke it with --help, review it, prepare the command line, hoping I remembered the switches I used originally, (like -tr-function-alias)  inspect the output that it looks reasonable. And start working with that. 
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I had this discussion in forum and at lists already because it was
really confusing me HowTo deal with translations in Qt.

Coming from BlackBerry Cascades in Eclipse Momentics I simply add a
language and all the lupdate / lrelease stuff was done by magic under
the hood

In the meantime I have found a solution HowTo add languages without the
need of going to command line etc

this week I'll blog about in detail

as part of my blog HowTo Install Qt 5.7 Beta you can already find HowTo
add / modify External Tools for languages:


and here in the forum is how .pro can create all .ts and .qm files by
magic - the only manual step is to run lupdate from external tools if
translatable strings were changed


would be cool also to find a way to run the lupdate before building the
project automatically


ekke (ekkehard gentz)

independent software architect
international development native mobile business apps
BlackBerry 10 | Qt Mobile (Android, iOS)
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