[Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
jhihn at gmx.com
Mon Aug 15 20:58:29 CEST 2016
Good point, my mistake. I saw the GNU license at the top - that only applies to the Quickly transpiler.
Still, I think it should be part of QML and not an add-on license. What would it take to get it included?
> Sent: Monday, August 15, 2016 at 2:44 PM
> From: "Gunnar Roth" <gunnar.roth at gmx.de>
> To: "Jason H" <jhihn at gmx.com>
> Cc: "Alejandro Exojo" <suy at badopi.org>, interest at qt-project.org
> Subject: Re: [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
> > Am 15.08.2016 um 17:30 schrieb Jason H <jhihn at gmx.com>:
> >
> >
> >
> >> Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 4:36 PM
> >> From: "Alejandro Exojo" <suy at badopi.org>
> >> To: interest at qt-project.org
> >> Subject: Re: [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
> >>
> >> On Wednesday 10 August 2016 17:09:17 Jason H wrote:
> >>> I know it's not a normal thing, but occasionally in QML we need to access
> >>> files. Exposing an object is not hard, but it would be really good to have
> >>> a standard to enable QML libraries that use file IO.
> >>>
> >>> There are two ways to basically so this:
> >>> - QML Specific API
> >>> - Node.JS-compatible API
> >>>
> >>> I did find this: https://github.com/trollixx/node.qml
> >>
> >> This is a different thing IMHO.
> >>
> >>> But I think this is something Qt needs to standardize on. My opinion is to
> >>> use the Node API, which contains sync and async functions.
> >>>
> >>> Does anyone have any opinions or insight on this?
> >>
> >> Yes, isn't that what CommonJS intended? I don't remember what Qbs had, but
> >> something like that I think.
> >>
> >> Meanwhile, you should check this:
> >>
> >> http://ibeliever.github.io/quickly/
> >
> > That's great, but not dual licensed. It's GPLv3. I still think Qt should provide a QML file IO API.
> As far as I can read, it is Mozilla Public License 2.0
> https://raw.githubusercontent.com/quickly/quickly/master/quickly/LICENSE
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