August 2016 Archives by author
Starting: Mon Aug 1 04:36:32 CEST 2016
Ending: Wed Aug 31 23:46:17 CEST 2016
Messages: 377
- [Interest] License of Qt Quick 2D Renderer in Qt 5.8
qtinterestmdk.3.maischus at
- [Interest] Adding a C++ wrapper class renders my QML custom type unusable
Rob Allan
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Kyle Altendorf
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Kyle Altendorf
- [Interest] Use Qt to zip / unzip files on iOS, Android, OS X, & Windows ?
- [Interest] [Qt5.x] QComboBox-related crash
- [Interest] [Qt5.x] QComboBox-related crash
- [Interest] QML Map & MapQuest
Paolo Angelelli
- [Interest] [QtIFW] Show changelog in installer
Jochen Baier
- [Interest] Using QtQuick Controls 2 on android
Wolfgang Baron
- [Interest] Using QtQuick Controls 2 on android
Wolfgang Baron
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Reinhardt Behm
- [Interest] Few questions about Qt Data Visualization
Xavier Bigand
- [Interest] Few questions about Qt Data Visualization
Xavier Bigand
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Xavier Bigand
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Xavier Bigand
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Xavier Bigand
- [Interest] QML Map & MapQuest
Alexander Blasche
- [Interest] Build Qt for command line only
Scott Aron Bloom
- [Interest] Crash in QXcbScreen::updateRefreshRate
Scott Aron Bloom
- [Interest] QAudioDecoder mp3 problem
Jean-Michaël Celerier
- [Interest] [QtSerialBus] CAN & J1939
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
- [Interest] QQueue::enqueue hangs in QList::append
- [Interest] Qt3d 5.7 embedded success anyone
Pierre Chicoine
- [Interest] Undo does not restore the selection.
Bill Crocker
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Alexandru Croitor
- [Interest] Using QtQuick Controls 2 on android
Mitch Curtis
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Giuseppe D'Angelo
- [Interest] Adding a C++ wrapper class renders my QML custom type unusable
Sina Dogru
- [Interest] QAudioDecoder mp3 problem
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] QAudioDecoder mp3 problem
Alexander Dyagilev
- [Interest] QMetaProperty::write behavior changed with Qt 5.6 - Bug?
Christian Ehringfeld
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Only buzzing sound while playing wav file through QAudioOutput
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] QListView: drag&drop custom item
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] [Qt5.x] QComboBox-related crash
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] QHttp post with headers
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Qt Webkit on Linux Goes Blank When No Network Connection
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] Key_Return and Key_Enter QtWebEngine input field
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Viktor Engelmann
- [Interest] RowLayout are overlapping
Oleg Evseev
- [Interest] Second RowLayout not reconize width
Oleg Evseev
- [Interest] RowLayout are overlapping
Oleg Evseev
- [Interest] Qt3d 5.7 embedded success anyone
Oleg Evseev
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Alejandro Exojo
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Alejandro Exojo
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Alejandro Exojo
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Alejandro Exojo
- [Interest] High-DPI scaling of QQuickItem-derived class
Artem Fedoskin
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jesus Fernandez
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Jorge Fierro
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Mark Gaiser
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Mark Gaiser
- [Interest] Copy QSqlRecord to different database
Mark Gaiser
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Freddy Martinez Garcia
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] [Qml] Best way to detect unnecessary import
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jérôme Godbout
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
Timothy W. Grove
- [Interest] (no subject)
Kapil Gupta
- [Interest] Problem using qml-material in qt project
Kapil Gupta
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Jason H
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Jason H
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Jason H
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Jason H
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Jason H
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Jason H
- [Interest] [Development] [QML] Avoiding graphics flicker in Quick2
Jason H
- [Interest] QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessible - Android vs iOS
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Android not using my QtActivity subclass.
Jason H
- [Interest] Android not using my QtActivity subclass.
Jason H
- [Interest] Android not using my QtActivity subclass.
Jason H
- [Interest] Passing QML mapobjects (MapCircle) to QML maps through C++
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Jason H
- [Interest] Passing QML mapobjects (MapCircle) to QML maps through C++
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt on Android needs improvements
Jason H
- [Interest] Copy QSqlRecord to different database
Jason H
- [Interest] [Announcement] QtWebKit Technology Preview 3
Jason H
- [Interest] (no subject)
Jason H
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Jason H
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Jason H
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Jason H
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Jason H
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Jason H
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Jason H
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Jason H
- [Interest] Force property's binding to be executed from C++
Jason H
- [Interest] Android Gradle issue: use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator
Jason H
- [Interest] Includue Additional PLISTs?
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Jason H
- [Interest] Includue Additional PLISTs?
Jason H
- [Interest] CocoaPods and Qt
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Jason H
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Jason H
- [Interest] CocoaPods and Qt
Jason H
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jason H
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jason H
- [Interest] CocoaPods and Qt
Jason H
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Jason H
- [Interest] QTBUG-37095: Canvas element renders fuzzy on retina displays
Jason H
- [Interest] Augmented reality with Qt3D
Sean Harmer
- [Interest] Few questions about Qt Data Visualization
Sean Harmer
- [Interest] [Qt3D] LogicalDevice with mouse wheel
Sean Harmer
- [Interest] [Qt3D] Info about the robust wireframe shader
Sean Harmer
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Sean Harmer
- [Interest] [QtSerialBus] CAN & J1939
André Hartmann
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Bob Hood
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files, with spaces in path
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files, with spaces in path
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files, with spaces in path
Roland Hughes
- [Interest] Passing QML mapobjects (MapCircle) to QML maps through C++
Kishore J
- [Interest] Passing QML mapobjects (MapCircle) to QML maps through C++
Kishore J
- [Interest] Passing QML mapobjects (MapCircle) to QML maps through C++
Kishore J
- [Interest] MapItemView does not work on map
Kishore J
- [Interest] Build Qt for command line only
Mike Jackson
- [Interest] State of Accessibility features in Qt / QtQuick
Nils Jeisecke
- [Interest] try to impove example/doc/tuto for qt5-gstreamer
- [Interest] Hello
Michael Jordan
- [Interest] Request for a new project to handle sf2 (soundfont) libraries
Michael Jordan
- [Interest] Receiving audio through USB frame grabber and playing it
Maurice Kalinowski
- [Interest] Only buzzing sound while playing wav file through QAudioOutput
Maurice Kalinowski
- [Interest] Integrated help system
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] Autotests in Qt Creator with CMake projects
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] Qt5.7 BLE advertising, contents added twice
Christian Kandeler
- [Interest] Receiving audio through USB frame grabber and playing it
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] Receiving audio through USB frame grabber and playing it
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] Only buzzing sound while playing wav file through QAudioOutput
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] Only buzzing sound while playing wav file through QAudioOutput
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] Only buzzing sound while playing wav file through QAudioOutput
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] QAudioRecorder example produces only a buzzing sound
Anisha Kaul
- [Interest] FYI: Qt 5.6.1 on macOS "Sierra" - Maintenance Tool runs again
Till Oliver Knoll
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] QQueue::enqueue hangs in QList::append
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] QQueue::enqueue hangs in QList::append
Nilesh Kokane
- [Interest] Qt Webkit on Linux Goes Blank When No Network Connection
Jason Kretzer
- [Interest] qt5-gstreamer
Jérôme Lanteri
- [Interest] shader compilation failed & shader program is not linked
Ben Lau
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Ben Lau
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Ben Lau
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Ben Lau
- [Interest] Qt and directFB: QDirectFBScreen::createDFBSurface() Failed!
Franz Leu
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Bernhard Lindner
- [Interest] Qt 5.8 failed to build on Windows: EGL/egl.h: No such file or directory
- [Interest] Qt 5.8 failed to build on Windows: EGL/egl.h: No such file or directory
- [Interest] debug symbols in OSX application builds
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Build Qt for command line only
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QQueue::enqueue hangs in QList::append
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Crash in QXcbScreen::updateRefreshRate
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Qt 5.8 failed to build on Windows: EGL/egl.h: No such file or directory
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Qt3d 5.7 embedded success anyone
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] QQmlApplicationEngine::load hangs
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Thiago Macieira
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Frederic Marchal
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Larry Martell
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Larry Martell
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files, with spaces in path
Larry Martell
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files with spaces in path
Larry Martell
- [Interest] Touch Handling Problem : QT or Driver : I'm not sure
Rob Martens
- [Interest] Using Qt Webengine to render to an image
Kevin Mcintyre
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Error : QImage: out of memory,
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Fwd: Tests selection page
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Fwd: Tests selection page
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QFileSystemModel
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QFileSystemModel
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QFileSystemModel
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QFileSystemModel
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QML Map & MapQuest
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QML Map & MapQuest
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QCamera | Qt 5.7 | MultimediaWidgets::Camera example.
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QCamera | Qt 5.7 | MultimediaWidgets::Camera example.
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QCamera | Qt 5.7 | MultimediaWidgets::Camera example.
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QCamera | Qt 5.7 | MultimediaWidgets::Camera example.
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QMediaRecorder blocks
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] QMediaRecorder blocks
Igor Mironchik
- [Interest] debug symbols in OSX application builds
Hamish Moffatt
- [Interest] debug symbols in OSX application builds
Hamish Moffatt
- [Interest] debug symbols in OSX application builds
Hamish Moffatt
- [Interest] Qt3d 5.7 embedded success anyone
Catalin Moldovan
- [Interest] [Qt3D] Info about the robust wireframe shader
Catalin Moldovan
- [Interest] [Qt3D] LogicalDevice with mouse wheel
Catalin Moldovan
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Richard Moore
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Display XML in tree view
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] script invoked with QProcess cannot open files, with spaces in path
Murphy, Sean
- [Interest] Adding a C++ wrapper class renders my QML custom type unusable
Michael R Nelson
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Manoel Neto
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Manoel Neto
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Manoel Neto
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Manoel Neto
- [Interest] CocoaPods and Qt
Manoel Neto
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
J-P Nurmi
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] QListView: drag&drop custom item
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] QListView: drag&drop custom item
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] QListView: drag&drop custom item
Frank Rueter | OHUfx
- [Interest] Hello
Marco Piccolino
- [Interest] Augmented reality with Qt3D
Marco Piccolino
- [Interest] iOS QWebview communication javascript to native
Sylvain Pointeau
- [Interest] qt 5.7 broken on mac os x
Sylvain Pointeau
- [Interest] qt 5.7 broken on mac os x
Sylvain Pointeau
- [Interest] Key_Return and Key_Enter QtWebEngine input field
Johannes Pointner
- [Interest] Key_Return and Key_Enter QtWebEngine input field
Johannes Pointner
- [Interest] RowLayout are overlapping
Máximo Ramírez
- [Interest] RowLayout are overlapping
Máximo Ramírez
- [Interest] Second RowLayout not reconize width
Máximo Ramírez
- [Interest] Second RowLayout not reconize width
Máximo Ramírez
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Uwe Rathmann
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
Sébastien Le Ray
- [Interest] Using Qt Webengine to render to an image
Boudewijn Rempt
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Reto Tschofenig, ODT Informatik GmbH
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Konrad Rosenbaum
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Gunnar Roth
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Etienne Sandré-Chardonnal
- [Interest] debug symbols in OSX application builds
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 - iOS - module "QtGraphicalEffects" plugin "qtgraphicaleffectsplugin" not found
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Receiving audio through USB frame grabber and playing it
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android / InputMethod / Instrumentation Fake Keyboard Input
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android Service example
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Location when the App is Killed/Terminated/Suspended
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Includue Additional PLISTs?
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Includue Additional PLISTs?
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Qt Android App and Notifications - Black screen after tapping a notification with app open on background.
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] qt 5.7 broken on mac os x
Nuno Santos
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
Konstantin Shegunov
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Konstantin Shegunov
- [Interest] Emitting a signal from a different thread than the object lives in
Konstantin Shegunov
- [Interest] [Development] [QML] Avoiding graphics flicker in Quick2
Denis Shienkov
- [Interest] qt5-gstreamer
Denis Shienkov
- [Interest] Integrated help system
Volker Siepmann
- [Interest] Integrated help system
Volker Siepmann
- [Interest] item edit on mouse over - was: dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Volker Siepmann
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
Henry Skoglund
- [Interest] Unicode code points in Vusual Studio. Output differs from MinGW
Henry Skoglund
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Henry Skoglund
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Henry Skoglund
- [Interest] Sending mail with line breaks using QDesktopServices::openUrl
Henry Skoglund
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
André Somers
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
André Somers
- [Interest] QFileSystemModel
André Somers
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
André Somers
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
André Somers
- [Interest] QListView: drag&drop custom item
André Somers
- [Interest] Unsubscribe
Jha Sonakumar
- [Interest] Use Qt to zip / unzip files on iOS, Android, OS X, & Windows ?
Elvis Stansvik
- [Interest] Resizing side by side nested dock widgets?
Elvis Stansvik
- [Interest] Resizing side by side nested dock widgets?
Elvis Stansvik
- [Interest] Adding a C++ wrapper class renders my QML custom type unusable
Elvis Stansvik
- [Interest] Adding a C++ wrapper class renders my QML custom type unusable
Elvis Stansvik
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Vlad Stelmahovsky
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Vlad Stelmahovsky
- [Interest] Thoughts on a 'proper' (or standard) file/io API for QML?
Vlad Stelmahovsky
- [Interest] Use Qt to zip / unzip files on iOS, Android, OS X, & Windows ?
Edward Sutton
- [Interest] Use Qt to zip / unzip files on iOS, Android, OS X, & Windows ?
Edward Sutton
- [Interest] Interest Digest, Vol 59, Issue 14
TORRES ROJAS, Asiel (BI-Caribe)
- [Interest] dynamic widget creation in QScrollArea
Bo Thorsen
- [Interest] Qt Data Visualization - Scatter3D gradient from independent value
Ola Røer Thorsen
- [Interest] Hello
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Interest] [Announcement] QtWebKit Technology Preview 3
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Interest] [Announcement] QtWebKit Technology Preview 3
Konstantin Tokarev
- [Interest] Qt5.7 BLE advertising, contents added twice
Marco Trapanese
- [Interest] QQmlApplicationEngine::load hangs
Marco Trapanese
- [Interest] Qt5.7 BLE advertising, contents added twice
Marco Trapanese
- [Interest] GPL violator
Tuukka Turunen
- [Interest] GPL violator
Dave Villae
- [Interest] [QtIFW] Show changelog in installer
Harald Vistnes
- [Interest] Autotests in Qt Creator with CMake projects
Harald Vistnes
- [Interest] [QtIFW] Show changelog in installer
Harald Vistnes
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
John Weeks
- [Interest] Relationship between a QEventLoop and QCoreApplication::exec().
John Weeks
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
John Weeks
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
John Weeks
- [Interest] debugger thread display
John Weeks
- [Interest] QAudioDecoder mp3 problem
John Weeks
- [Interest] [qml][qtchart] Color per range in a CategoryAxis
Roman Wüger
- [Interest] Qt do not detect AMD Radeon on Windows
- [Interest] Second RowLayout not reconize width
- [Interest] QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessible - Android vs iOS
- [Interest] QNetworkAccessManager networkAccessible - Android vs iOS
- [Interest] QtCon Conference APP - Beta Testers welcome
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
ekke gentz
- [Interest] Qt 5.7 Android - Keyboard keeps popping up after sending it down
ekke gentz
- [Interest] Myanmar-QWERTY crashes OS X application
timur.kristof at
- [Interest] QQuickView dialog hidden behind QML ApplicationWindow on Android
mail at
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
- [Interest] best qt class to use to detect line/polygon/region collision
- [Interest] Design Issue with QAbstractItemModel & QTreeView
john at
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Артур Истомин
- [Interest] Is Qt/QML suitable for me?
Артур Истомин
- [Interest] Problems with large QImage
Last message date:
Wed Aug 31 23:46:17 CEST 2016
Archived on: Sun Sep 29 11:12:30 CEST 2019
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).