[Interest] [Qt5.x] QComboBox-related crash
Viktor Engelmann
viktor.engelmann at qt.io
Mon Aug 22 10:18:19 CEST 2016
could be related to one of these:
On 20.08.2016 00:09, Andy wrote:
> This has me stumped.
> Problem:
> I have an app with plugins. Each plugin has a form widget which is
> displayed in a dialog.
> If I bring up the dialog and click a QComboBox within the form, when I
> quit my app I get the following in the console:
> Warning: QBasicTimer::start: QBasicTimer can only be used with
> threads started with QThread (:0, (null))
> and the app crashes.
> Here's the Mac stack trace:
> Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread
> 0 org.qt-project.QtCore 0x0000000101ef98eb
> QThreadStorageData::get() const + 43
> 1 org.qt-project.QtGui 0x0000000101904d36
> QOpenGLContext::currentContext() + 22
> 2 org.qt-project.QtGui 0x0000000101b6b483
> QPlatformBackingStorePrivate::~QPlatformBackingStorePrivate() + 19
> 3 org.qt-project.QtGui 0x0000000101b6b2c1
> QPlatformBackingStore::~QPlatformBackingStore() + 33
> 4 libqcocoa.dylib 0x0000000105168d7e
> QCocoaBackingStore::~QCocoaBackingStore() + 14
> 5 org.qt-project.QtGui 0x0000000101a6b8cc
> QBackingStore::~QBackingStore() + 28
> 6 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011fa5fc
> deleteBackingStore(QWidgetPrivate*) + 204
> 7 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011fa408
> QWidgetPrivate::deleteTLSysExtra() + 56
> 8 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011fa172
> QWidget::destroy(bool, bool) + 834
> 9 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011f98d6
> QWidget::~QWidget() + 1462
> 10 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001012d753e
> QComboBoxPrivateContainer::~QComboBoxPrivateContainer() + 62
> 11 org.qt-project.QtCore 0x00000001020e0a83
> QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren() + 227
> 12 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011f98ba
> QWidget::~QWidget() + 1434
> 13 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001012d03f7
> QComboBox::~QComboBox() + 71
> 14 org.qt-project.QtCore 0x00000001020e0a83
> QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren() + 227
> 15 org.qt-project.QtWidgets 0x00000001011f98ba
> QWidget::~QWidget() + 1434
> 16 (my form destructor)
> and the Windows stack trace:
> 1
> QThreadStorageData::get
> qthreadstorage.cpp 117 0x6b79923c
> 2
> qThreadStorage_localData<QGuiGLThreadContext>
> qthreadstorage.h 65 0x3b878f0
> 3 QThreadStorage<QGuiGLThreadContext
> *>::localData
> qthreadstorage.h 139 0x3bb72dc
> 4
> QOpenGLContext::currentContext
> qopenglcontext.cpp 415 0x388b59b
> 5
> QPlatformBackingStorePrivate::~QPlatformBackingStorePrivate
> qplatformbackingstore.cpp 84 0x3be3f93
> 6
> QPlatformBackingStore::~QPlatformBackingStore
> qplatformbackingstore.cpp 608 0x3a64b6a
> 7
> QWindowsBackingStore::~QWindowsBackingStore
> qwindowsbackingstore.cpp 62 0x62891f4c
> 8
> QWindowsBackingStore::~QWindowsBackingStore
> qwindowsbackingstore.cpp 65 0x62891f75
> 9
> QBackingStore::~QBackingStore
> qbackingstore.cpp 142 0x3995f8f
> 10
> deleteBackingStore
> qwidget.cpp 1858 0xef95352
> 11
> QWidgetPrivate::deleteTLSysExtra
> qwidget.cpp 1875 0xef953e4
> 12
> QWidget::destroy
> qwidget.cpp 12297 0xefad3b7
> 13
> QWidget::~QWidget
> qwidget.cpp 1679 0xef94c46
> 14
> QFrame::~QFrame
> qframe.cpp 256 0xf0b3d8a
> 15
> QComboBoxPrivateContainer::~QComboBoxPrivateContainer
> qcombobox_p.h 208 0xf2fb8f2
> 16
> QComboBoxPrivateContainer::~QComboBoxPrivateContainer
> qcombobox_p.h 208 0xf2fb8a3
> 17
> QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren
> qobject.cpp 1963 0x6b8f6ed7
> 18
> QWidget::~QWidget
> qwidget.cpp 1674 0xef94c18
> 19
> QComboBox::~QComboBox
> qcombobox.cpp 1332 0xf088949
> 20
> QComboBox::~QComboBox
> qcombobox.cpp 1343 0xf08897f
> 21
> QObjectPrivate::deleteChildren
> qobject.cpp 1963 0x6b8f6ed7
> 22
> QWidget::~QWidget
> qwidget.cpp 1674 0xef94c18
> 23
> QGroupBox::~QGroupBox
> qgroupbox.cpp 206 0xf0b4dc8
> 24 (my form destructor)
> Possibly relevant info:
> 0) the form is being created & displayed in a plugin
> 1) the combo box is in a QGroupBox created with a designer form (.ui file)
> 2) the form widget itself is created once with "new Ui::FormName /
> setupUi()" when the plugin is loaded
> 3) the dialog takes temporary ownership of the widget and calls
> widget->setParent( nullptr ); in its destructor so the form does not
> get destructed
> 4) 4.x does not crash (been working for 10 years...)
> 5) 5.6.x and any 5.7 versions I have tried cause a crash
> 6) it crashes on both Mac OS X and Windows
> 7) I'm not doing anything funky with the combo box - just displaying
> it and taking action on selection
> 8) combo boxes in my main app don't seem to be an issue
> 9) if I don't touch the combo boxes (i.e. display the dialog, dismiss
> it, and quit my app) -> no crash
> Theories I haven't been able to prove/disprove:
> 1) there's a singleshot that is fired to display the popup selection
> and it's deleting or doing something it shouldn't
> 2) it's a thread problem because this is in a plugin
> 3) something isn't liking the dialog's temporary ownership of the form
> Anyone with some in-depth knowledge of the QComboBox have any ideas
> what might be going on here?
> Thank you for your time.
> ---
> Andy Maloney // https://asmaloney.com
> twitter ~ @asmaloney <https://twitter.com/asmaloney>
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Viktor Engelmann
Software Engineer
The Qt Company GmbH
Rudower Chaussee 13
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Viktor.Engelmann at qt.io
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