[Interest] qt.labs.samples

Nurmi J-P jpnurmi at theqtcompany.com
Sun Feb 7 13:35:18 CET 2016

> On 07 Feb 2016, at 13:24, ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not really sure what to do.
> My environment:
> 	• Qt with commercial license to evaluate
> 	• OSX
> 	• installed Qt 5.6 beta for Android and iOS
> Now I have cloned the two qt projects you mentioned
>  but there's no 
> $ path/to/Qt5.6-beta/bin/qmake
> I have three folders
> android_armv7, clang_64, ios
> each with a bin/qmake
> where should I execute the make install ?

Use qmake from that Qt build that you want to test the latest controls with. For example, if you have installed Qt 5.6.0 beta to ~/Qt5.6 and you want to test on Android, you would run ~/Qt5.6/5.6/android_armv7/bin/qmake in the root of the qtquickcontrols2 repository folder. Proceed to building with ‘make', and installing with ‘make install’ in the same qtquickcontrols2 root folder. This will overwrite the controls from that particular Qt installation (that you used qmake from). Then repeat the same steps for qtgraphicaleffects to fix the Material style.

If you want to do the same for iOS, wipe out the old builds (or clone new repos, whichever you prefer) and repeat the same steps except that this time you would run qmake from ~/Qt5.6/5.6/ios/bin/qmake.

> also there's no
> examples/controls/gallery
> only
> examples/Qt-5.6

The example is not shipped with the beta package. It’s in the qtquickcontrols2 Git repository that you cloned.

J-P Nurmi

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