[Interest] qt.labs.samples

Nurmi J-P jpnurmi at theqtcompany.com
Sat Feb 6 13:14:13 CET 2016

> On 06 Feb 2016, at 11:12, ekke <ekke at ekkes-corner.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> found this qt.labs.controls sample in the docs
> https://doc-snapshots.qt.io/qt5-5.6/qtlabscontrols-gallery-example.html
> unfortunately it isn't part of the examples as described in the document
> have installed:
> Qt 5.6 Beta for Android and iOS
> Qt Creator 3.6.0
> also I'm wondering why inside a .qml file I can
> import QtQuick 2.6
> but from content assist ... QtQuick 2. the list only has 2.0 ... 2.5
> using 2.6 compiles and deploys well to Android device
> Am I missing anything or is it because of Beta ?
> thx helping evaluating Qt 5.6 labs.controls


Unfortunately, the example didn’t make it to the beta release. The first version of the example was finished a few days after the beta.

You could get the example from the project’s Git repository, but since this technology preview module is under heavy development, you'll notice that the controls shipped with Qt 5.6.0 beta are already outdated for running the latest version of the example. Therefore, I'd suggest pulling the latest 5.6 branch of qtquickcontrols2.git and building it with your existing Qt 5.6.0 beta installation. The module is relatively small so it won't take awfully long to build.

To build and install the controls:

$ git clone --branch 5.6 git://code.qt.io/qt/qtquickcontrols2.git
$ cd qtquickcontrols2
$ path/to/Qt5.6-beta/bin/qmake
$ make
$ make install # note: overwrites the controls in Qt 5.6 beta

To build the Gallery example, just open examples/controls/gallery/gallery.pro in Qt Creator, or build from command line if you prefer:

$ cd examples/controls/gallery
$ path/to/Qt5.6-beta/bin/qmake
$ make
$ ./gallery

One more thing. You will notice that the Material style looks quite broken (QTBUG-49979). To fix this, you'd also have to pull the latest 5.6 branch of qtgraphicaleffects.git and build that with your existing Qt 5.6.0 beta installation.

$ git clone --branch 5.6 git://code.qt.io/qt/qtgraphicaleffects.git
$ cd qtgraphicaleffects
$ path/to/Qt5.6-beta/bin/qmake
$ make
$ make install # note: overwrites the graphical effects in Qt 5.6 beta

Now if you run the Gallery example again, this should look pretty fine. Sorry for the trouble... I hope this helps to continue evaluating the controls. ;)

J-P Nurmi

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