[Interest] Deploying Applications on OS X

Timothy W. Grove tim_grove at sil.org
Sun Feb 28 20:23:18 CET 2016

I think when looking at Xcode I saw the option to target an older 
version, but any suggestions on how to do that working with the tools I 
do? PyQt4 and cx_Freeze? I've asked several times on the cx_Freeze list 
if it was possible but have never received a reply. Thanks.

Best regards,

On 28/02/2016 17:42, Gianluca wrote:
> Il giorno 28/feb/2016, alle ore 17:30, Timothy W. Grove 
> <tim_grove at sil.org <mailto:tim_grove at sil.org>> ha scritto:
>>   Fromhttp://doc.qt.io/qt-5/osx.html:
>>      /*Deploying Applications on OS X*/
>>      /In general, Qt supports building on one OS X version and deploying
>>      to earlier or later OS X versions. You can build on 10.7 Lion and
>>      run the same binary on 10.6. The recommended way is to build on the
>>      latest version and deploy to an earlier OS X version.
>>      /
>> Is this really true??? My experience is that I need to build on the
>> earliest version I wish to support (10.6.8). My current workflow is to
>> build the app on the earliest version and then construct the dmg and
>> code sign on the latest! I'm developing with PyQt4/Qt5 and building with
>> cx_Freeze, so that may lead to this different workflow…
> On OS X there is a big difference between the SDK are you using to 
> compile and the SDK version are you targeting.
> So, typically scenario is that you build always with the latest SDK on 
> your machine (e.g: 10.9), but you target previous version (e.g: 10.6)… 
> that means your binary will run on machines running 10.6 operating 
> system but it can also use new features available in later version if 
> availables.
> Ciao,
> Gianluca.

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