[Interest] Deploying Applications on OS X

Gianluca gmaxera at gmail.com
Sun Feb 28 18:42:11 CET 2016

Il giorno 28/feb/2016, alle ore 17:30, Timothy W. Grove <tim_grove at sil.org> ha scritto:

>  From http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/osx.html:
>     /*Deploying Applications on OS X*/
>     /In general, Qt supports building on one OS X version and deploying
>     to earlier or later OS X versions. You can build on 10.7 Lion and
>     run the same binary on 10.6. The recommended way is to build on the
>     latest version and deploy to an earlier OS X version.
>     /
> Is this really true??? My experience is that I need to build on the 
> earliest version I wish to support (10.6.8). My current workflow is to 
> build the app on the earliest version and then construct the dmg and 
> code sign on the latest! I'm developing with PyQt4/Qt5 and building with 
> cx_Freeze, so that may lead to this different workflow…
On OS X there is a big difference between the SDK are you using to compile and the SDK version are you targeting.
So, typically scenario is that you build always with the latest SDK on your machine (e.g: 10.9), but you target previous version (e.g: 10.6)… that means your binary will run on machines running 10.6 operating system but it can also use new features available in later version if availables.

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