[Interest] Qt5.6 not recognised by Visual Studio 2015

Kalinowski Maurice Maurice.Kalinowski at theqtcompany.com
Wed Jan 6 09:22:19 CET 2016

> I'm not saying Qt5Package shouldn't fix this problem - I've commented on
> the page and CC'd the author on this email. But until they do there's no other
> way to get Qt5 working with Visual Studio 2015 hence the need for a
> workaround.
[Kalinowski Maurice] 
What feature are you using from the Qt 5 Package that you cannot use manually by invoking qmake? I assume you are working on the visual studio project itself then and not the .pro?

> Is there any plan to release the current Qt Visual Studio Add-in for VS2015?
> Or is it EOL?
[Kalinowski Maurice] 

Microsoft decided to deprecate AddIn support in Visual Studio 2013 and with Visual Studio 2015 all support for it has been removed. We are currently investigating on the efforts to implement a VSPackage. However nothing concrete has been decided yet.

You can also follow progress here: https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTVSADDINBUG-404


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